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From that unforgettable real tree scent to the excitement of the search, nothing says “tradition” like a real Christmas tree. Bring family and friends together for a day of fun and make lasting holiday memories. (Photo courtesy of

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Whether it’s from a neighborhood store, seasonal tree lot or a local tree farm, be sure to pick a tree that appears healthy and fresh. When checking for freshness and quality, look for healthy green needles and that signature Christmas tree smell. (Photo courtesy of

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Make a day of it! Bundle up, bring a batch of homemade hot cocoa and make sure and take time for a holiday toast. (Photo courtesy of

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Each real Christmas tree is unique and creates a one-of-a-kind holiday memory and experience. Just as your family grows and changes each year, the real tree you choose each year can become a special part of that memory.

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Choosing a real Christmas tree is fun for the whole family, young and old. No matter where you get a tree, the experience is family-friendly and a great way to introduce kids to a lasting holiday tradition. (Image copyright Sarah Bridgeman/

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If purchasing a real tree from a seasonal lot, ask employees to freshly cut the trunk just before you take the tree home. Place the freshly cut tree in water as soon as possible and water it daily. (Image copyright Cavan Images/

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Once home, break out the sugar cookies and holiday music for a decorating party with family and friends. Involve younger kids in the tradition by showing them how to hang non-breakable ornaments on easy-to-reach branches.

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